Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQs)

Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQs)

La mayoría de las preguntas recibidas en Klean Kanteen son respondidas a continuación. Para evitar demoras y acelerar su respuesta, por favor revise para ver si su pregunta fue contestada aquí. Si no se hace referencia al tema que le interesa, ingrese a nuestra página de Cuidado y Uso para obtener más información, o a nuestra página de Garantía para enviar una solicitud.

Parece Que Mi Botella Tiene Manchas De Óxido

Todos los productos Klean Kanteen están hechos de acero inoxidable de grado alimenticio 18/8 que es seguro, duradero y libre de BPA. El acero inoxidable de grado alimenticio en una Klean Kanteen es altamente resistente al óxido. Si su botella parece haberse oxidado, es probable que sólo sea una marca resultante del proceso de electropulido, que alisa la superficie del metal y la hace brillante. A veces, los electrolitos que quedan en la superficie se vuelven de color óxido, pero son inofensivos.

Para eliminar los residuos, remoje su Kanteen durante la noche con agua caliente y bicarbonato de sodio o vinagre blanco. Después del remojo, restriegue bien con un cepillo para lavar botellas o con una esponja de fibra, ayudándose con una cuchara de madera u otro utensilio de cocina para hacer palanca. Por favor, pruebe esta sugerencia y háganos saber cómo le va con la limpieza; recuerde, es muy importante restregar. Para obtener más información, visite nuestra página de Cuidado y Uso.

Tengo Una Sugerencia De Producto, ¿Cómo Puedo Enviarla?

Nos encanta escuchar sus sugerencias. En Klean, nos enfocamos en crear productos que reemplacen una alternativa de uso único, y tomamos en cuenta el ciclo de vida completo para evaluar si satisface una verdadera necesidad del consumidor y cumple nuestra misión de reducir el desperdicio. Todas las presentaciones externas de ideas de productos deben incluir el número de patente y una breve descripción de la invención. No tomamos en cuenta los envíos de sugerencias a menos que sean acompañadas por una patente.

Mi Tapa Sports Cap 2.0 Hace Un Ruido Como De Silbido O Chillido ¿Qué Hago Para Que Detenerlo?

Las tapas deportivas son típicamente diseñadas y usadas con botellas de plástico comprimibles. En vista de que el acero inoxidable no es maleable ni puede comprimirse, diseñamos nuestra Sport Cap para que el aire pueda volver a la botella mientras usted bebe. El pequeño punto transparente en la parte superior de la Sport Cap 2.O es una válvula de silicona resistente a las fugas, que permite que el aire vuelva a la botella para que el agua pueda fluir. El ruido que usted escucha es el aire que se mueve a través de la válvula.

Las tapas deportivas Klean más antiguas hacen un silbido cuando son usadas. Aunque la Sport Cap 2.0 es significativamente más silenciosa que las antiguas tapas deportivos, todavía hace un poco de ruido cuando el aire pasa a través de la válvula hacia la botella. Pero si su Sport Cap 2.0 está haciendo un fuerte chillido o silbido, puede ser debido a que la válvula de silicona está colocada incorrectamente o que se encuentre sucia u obstruida.

Como primer paso, le recomendamos limpiar a fondo el interior de la tapa con un cepillo para lavar botellas y agua tibia jabonosa, y también empujar hacia un lado la pequeña protuberancia de silicona en la parte superior de la tapa, y limpiar alrededor de ella. También puede girar la válvula para asegurarse de que esté colocada correctamente. Además puede quitar la válvula y limpiarla. Para obtener instrucciones, visite nuestra página de Cuidado y Uso.

Otro truco es aflojar ligeramente la tapa, solamente asegurándose de que todavía esté lo suficientemente apretada como para evitar que la botella gotee. El respiradero de silicona funcionará mejor si no se aprieta demasiado la tapa. Trate de mantener la salida de aire hacia su nariz. De esta manera, se mantiene el respiradero hacia arriba para que esté apoyado por el aire, no por líquido que crea el gorgoteo / chillido cuando las burbujas de aire entran en él. Intente volver a colocar o girar el pequeño orificio de ventilación de silicona. Si estos métodos no le funcionan y desea recibir una nueva tapa deportiva, responda con una dirección de correo y estaremos encantados de enviarle una. Tenga en cuenta que si decide probar otra tapa deportiva, es posible que haga al menos algo de ruido.

Si su Sport Cap 2.0 continúa haciendo más ruido de lo normal, o si no está satisfecho con el producto, comuníquese con nuestro departamento de devoluciones y garantía llamando.

¿Por Qué Hace Ruidos Mi Botella Con Aislamiento?

Si escucha un ruido en su Kanteen, puede ser una de dos cosas: la soldadura (o una parte de ella) que guarda la integridad del espacio de vacío se ha desprendido y ahora vibra en el espacio entre el aislamiento de doble pared, o se ha roto una pequeña pieza de metal llamada "getter" y ahora se mueve libremente en la base de su Kanteen. Puede continuar usando su botella normalmente, es totalmente segura.

Ambos componentes tienen sus funciones respectivas dentro de las paredes internas de Kanteen. Un “getter” suelto no afectará las propiedades de aislamiento de la botella, mientras que una soldadura o pieza rota sí puede inutilizar el aislamiento porque el sello de vacío puede verse comprometido.

¿Por Qué Los Productos Klean Kanteen Son Hechos En China?

Actualmente fabricamos en China, en las ciudades de Dongguan (provincia de Guangdong), Yongkang y Pinghu (provincia de Zhejiang). A lo largo de los años, Klean ha investigado oportunidades para fabricar localmente, pero desafortunadamente, debido al costo del acero y la producción en el país, no podríamos ofrecer un precio competitivo a los consumidores. Como resultado, no podríamos cumplir nuestra misión de proporcionar soluciones accesibles y reutilizables para productos descartables de un solo uso.

Tenemos el compromiso de garantizar condiciones saludables, seguras, equitativas y administradas de manera responsable con nuestros socios en China: trabajo continuo y en desarrollo, que legal y socialmente es nuestra responsabilidad como corporación de beneficio. En Klean trabajamos para garantizar que los materiales y las operaciones relacionadas con la fabricación de nuestros productos cumplan con los estándares de la industria en materia de calidad y seguridad, trabajo justo, prácticas comerciales éticas y responsabilidad ambiental. Este trabajo se lleva a cabo de manera continua a través de seis actividades principales: 1) el establecimiento de un acuerdo entre todas las partes para realizar negocios según el Código de Conducta del Proveedor, 2) evaluaciones de desempeño social y ambiental de terceros y un sistema de mejora continua relacionado , 3) visitas periódicas a las instalaciones de Klean Kanteen y sus representantes, 4) pruebas de seguridad de materiales y productos, y 5) inspecciones de control de calidad realizadas por Klean Kanteen para toda la producción.

Como empresa B (Certificada con el sello B-Corp), Klean es evaluada cada dos años por B-Lab, una organización sin fines de lucro que evalúa a las corporaciones de beneficio y proporciona una tarjeta de puntuación anual sobre los progresos. Las corporaciones de beneficio deben cumplir con ciertos estándares, y la cadena de suministro ética es un área importante de la evaluación. Las B-Corps dan preferencia a los proveedores locales, y en la actualidad esa es un área que estamos mejorando porque podemos afectar directamente ese cambio.

Siéntase libre de ingresar a la sección Inside Klean en nuestro sitio web, que analiza nuestra historia y sostenibilidad, y lo que significa “Hecho en China” para Klean Kanteen. Estaremos encantados de proporcionarle más información, por favor comuníquese con nosotros si lo desea.

¿Es Seguro El Acero Inoxidable Klean Kanteen De China?

El acero inoxidable es una aleación que contiene hierro, hecha de algunos de los elementos básicos que se encuentran en la tierra: mineral de hierro, cromo, silicio, níquel, carbono, nitrógeno y manganeso. Las propiedades del metal final cambian según las cantidades variables de estos elementos. Hay más de 150 grados de acero inoxidable, de los cuales 15 son los más utilizados. (

Los productos de Klean Kanteen están fabricados con acero inoxidable de alta calidad, apto para alimentos, de 18/8. Los números representan los porcentajes de cromo y níquel en el acero, 18% y 8% respectivamente. El cromo aumenta la dureza del metal y el níquel le da fuerza. Juntos también hacen que el acero inoxidable sea altamente resistente a las manchas o al óxido.

El acero inoxidable es fácil de limpiar, duradero, inerte e higiénico. Por eso es el material preferido en las industrias de procesamiento de alimentos, productos lácteos y elaboración de cerveza.

La elaboración de productos de acero inoxidable Klean Kanteen es segura. Klean Kanteen cuenta con personal a tiempo completo en China, incluido nuestro Equipo de Inspección de Control de Calidad compuesto por experimentados profesionales chinos, que visitan nuestras fábricas regularmente para confirmar el estándar de calidad de cada lote de productos. Nuestro Gerente de Operaciones en China trabaja directamente con cada uno de nuestros proveedores para garantizar que todos los productos de Klean Kanteen se produzcan respetando el medio ambiente y que los trabajadores de las fábricas estén seguros, protegidos y reciban un salario digno. Además, un grupo rotativo de propietarios, líderes de departamento y empleados asignados visitan la fábrica 7u 8 veces al año. Klean Kanteen realiza pruebas periódicas de rendimiento del producto y seguridad del material a través de laboratorios de terceros, acreditados para cumplir con los requisitos reglamentarios de contacto con alimentos de todo el mundo y garantizar que se cumplan nuestros estándares de seguridad del producto.

¿Qué Se Puede Considerar Desgaste Normal De La Pintura En Kleen Kanteen De Color?

Con el uso y desgaste normal diario, la pintura puede desgastarse como resultado de la abrasión, arañazos o impactos (es decir, botellas que se caen de una bolsa, etc.) La pintura que utiliza Klean Kanteen es una base acrílica que no contiene plomo ni BPA y es libre de productos químicos tóxicos. Nos basamos en una extensa lista de sustancias restringidas (RSL) y pruebas de laboratorio de terceros para evaluar el uso de colores específicos, y no ofrecemos esos colores si contienen un producto químico que sea motivo de preocupación. Si la pintura se descascara o se desprende, envíenos un reclamo de garantía y le enviaremos un reemplazo.

Para reducir el desgaste y prolongar la vida útil de su Klean Kanteen, recomendamos lavar a mano las botellas pintadas con un detergente suave y biodegradable. La alta presión del agua y la temperatura en los lavaplatos pueden hacer que con el tiempo las botellas pintadas se astillen.

Hay Una Soldadura Rota En Mi Klean Kanteen, ¿Qué Debo Hacer?

Lamentamos saber que enfrenta una dificultad con su Klean Kanteen. Parece que su Kanteen tiene una soldadura que no estaba debidamente fusionada y ciertamente se la reemplazaremos.

I have a pinhole leak in my Kanteen, what should I do?

We take quality seriously and all of our products carry our Strong as Steel™ guarantee. With that said, sometimes during the manufacturing process small air bubbles can become trapped in the steel resulting in a pinhole leak. Check out our Returns & Exchanges page here and follow the instructions for a replacement: .

Tell me more about what "Insulated" means?

To make an Insulated Klean Kanteen, we first construct an inner and outer bottle, which are sealed together and welded shut to be completely air-tight. Then the bottle is connected to a high-power vacuum pump which removes all the air from the gap in between the inner and outer bottle. Since there's nothing to conduct heat across the gap, vacuum insulation is more effective than foam or other common insulating materials like Styrofoam, a derivative of plastic. Vacuum insulation works so well, it is the technology of choice for cryogenic storage tanks and other high-performance insulating vessels. Our vacuum insulated bottle can keep your beverages hot or cold for hours and hours. For more information on our vacuum insulated products, visit .

My Klean Kanteen bottle or cup has a metallic taste. Is that normal?

Klean Kanteen products are made from durable 18/8 stainless steel. The stainless steel that we use to manufacture our products is the same grade that is used most commonly in the food, beer and wine industries because it is easy to clean, durable, and does not impart flavors or leach chemicals into the beverage contents.

If you have a metal allergy or sensitive palate, you may detect a metallic taste. Please let us know what product and cap you're using – sometimes swapping out the cap to a Sport or Café Cap is a great solution, since those caps are Polypropylene and create a barrier between your mouth and the Kanteen itself.

We also recommend soaking your Kanteen overnight with hot water and baking soda. Follow the soak with a good scrub using a bottle brush or the abrasive side of a dish scouring pad aided by a wooden spoon or other kitchen utensil for leverage. This usually works to remove any lingering tastes/ residues. Need more help? Check out our Care & Use page here for more information on how to clean your Kanteen. 

Why do your Insulated Food Canisters have plastic inside the lid?

We recently updated our Insulated Food Canister Caps to support better insulation and heat retention. In order to meet the rigorous performance product standards we set forth, we made a decision to move to a BPA-free Polypropylene #5 inner to the cap instead of an all stainless cap. To create sustainable insulation (rather than using Styrofoam), we chose a corrugated, recycled cardboard in the lid, along with durable double-wall construction in the canister wall. Our Insulated Canisters keep contents hot from 5-8 hours, depending on the size, and cold 5-8 hours.

Klean Kanteen 8oz insulated canisters will keep food hot up to 5 hours, and cold up to 5 hours. For maximum thermal efficiency, we recommend preheating or pre chilling your canister prior to use. Fill with hot/cold water, attach lid, let stand 5 to 10 minutes and empty. And of course, hot foods like soup that lack density are generally prone to losing heat faster than foods like lasagna or oatmeal that are viscous and retain heat.

Our 1st generation Insulated Food Canisters are designed to keep the contents hot for up to 3 hours and cold for up to 5 hours. Our 1st generation Insulated Food Canisters came with Stainless Steel Caps with a Stainless Interior have been discontinued and are no longer sold via This change in our Insulated Food Canister lids was to help retain the temperature of the contents better than our previous model. If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to contact us. 

My Kanteen froze and now the bottom is bulging out. Is there any way to fix it?

Freezing your Klean Kanteen voids Klean's Strong as Steel™ guarantee because the expansion of the water can put so much force on the steel that it causes it to bulge or even split at the weld. Sometimes nothing at all happens. It depends on whether the cap was on and how much liquid was in the Kanteen.

You're not the first person to accidentally freeze liquid in your bottle. It's still safe to drink from it, and freezing the bottle does not alter the safety or composition of the food-grade stainless steel in any way.

If the bottom of your bottle has become deformed due to freezing, it's usually pretty easy to pop it back into place. Believe it or not, the bulge can be fixed for functionality by using a simple, old-fashioned technique: grab a rubber mallet and find a sturdy work surface.  A firm tap or two from a mallet can quickly right the shaping of the bottom and restore the bottles standing abilities.  The bottle is still viable and safe to transport water.

The safest way to go about repairing a bulge in a Kanteen is to place the bottle on a firm flat surface, bottom side down. If you try pounding the bottom back into place from the other direction, you may risk adding new dents. 

  • First place something over the rim of the Kanteen.  A small piece of finished wood works, or even a medium sized hard-back book would work (the book will likely end up with a ring shape dented into it from the mouth of the bottle, so choose a book that you don't care too much about!).  This will protect the integrity of the mouthpiece and rim while you are tapping with the mallet by dispersing that pressure more evenly. 
  • Get an extra pair of hands for help. You'll need one person to hold the bottle steady (especially because it probably won't stand up on its own), and one person to hold the book and swing the mallet.  Take it easy - remember to swing the mallet softly. 
  • It doesn't take much force to pop the bulge out - the key is applying the pressure in the right place evenly.

Can I put my Klean Kanteen in the freezer?

No. The force of liquids expanding as they freeze can cause your Klean Kanteen to become deformed and can also break the weld that holds the bottle together, so we strongly advise against it. Freezing any Klean Kanteen (Classic, Wide or Insulated) will void the Strong as Steel™ guarantee against manufacturer defects.

I dropped my Klean Kanteen and dented it. Is there any way to get the dents out?

Klean Kanteen products are made of durable 18/8 stainless steel. Unfortunately, they can dent when dropped. Our Strong as Steel™ guarantee covers manufacturer's defects only, not damage caused by using or dropping your bottle.

If you dropped your bottle and dented it, odds are the dent is inward. In some cases, you can put a wooden dowel or a wooden kitchen spoon inside the bottle and tap on the other end with a hammer to push the dent out. DO NOT use a metal object to bang the dent outward as the metal can get inside your Kanteen. You can also further damage or even puncture your bottle.

Even if you've dented your bottle, it's still totally safe to continue to use. With no plastic liner on the inside, a dent, no matter how large, will not change the composition of the metal nor make it unsafe.

There are so many reusable bottles to choose from. Why should I buy a Klean Kanteen?

In one year, Americans use 58 billion to-go cups and 35 billion plastic water bottles. Klean makes solutions.

As a family-owned company on a mission, we introduced the first stainless steel, BPA-free, reusable water bottle in 2004 because we wanted a nontoxic solution to single-use trash. Today, as a certified B-Corporation, we do everything we can to keep single-use waste from trashing the world. In a category filled with a variety of material options and offerings oriented towards innovation or product for product's sake, the simplicity of Klean Kanteen is unique.

Many plastic bottle brands claim to be BPA free and non-toxic. While that may or may not be accurate, more and more studies show growing concern over plastics, including plastic liners in aluminum bottles. When it comes to health and safety for Klean, earth-based (rather than man-made) materials like stainless steel and silicone are our preferred materials. Our products undergo some of the most rigorous consumer products testing (we meet and exceed multiple high-bar standards globally such as FDA, CPSIA, California Prop 65 and REACH) available, carry a Strong as Steel™ guarantee, help reduce our collective reliance on plastic, and provide opportunities to make healthier choices.

Our Klean Design approach is responsible, and considers health, safety, versatility, functionality, beauty and end of life into each product solution. If our products don't solve a problem around waste or health, we don't make them – period. Klean products perform and insulate as well as, and in many cases better than our close competitors. We believe in living a Klean lifestyle – sometimes all it takes is a simple solution. #BringYourOwn

Which is better, stainless or aluminum?

We work hard to design functional, safe, versatile products that last a lifetime. All of our products are made from food-safe, BPA-free, 18/8 stainless steel which is nontoxic and doesn't impart or retain flavors. We also design all Klean products with rounded corners that are easy to clean and won't trap gunk or particles. Aluminum bottles require an inner liner to protect the metal from leaching into the contents. If aluminum comes in direct contact with food or beverages, it would make the contents unsafe to consume. The most common materials used to line aluminum bottles include plastic resins or baked-on epoxy, both of which have been known to leach BPA and other harmful chemicals or can get scratched, exposing the aluminum underneath. Ceramic is another material used to line aluminum bottles, but it's more rigid and can crack. These liners can also retain flavors, which can impart funky tastes, residual and off-flavors. We believe that stainless steel is the most healthy, safe and durable material for our products, and versatile for a lifetime of adventures.

Do Klean Kanteens have BPA?

No. Klean Kanteen was created in 2004 as a safe and healthy solution to plastic water bottles and all Klean products are BPA-free. Klean is rooted in health and wellness, and has been from the beginning.

We chose 18/8, food-grade stainless steel instead of aluminum or plastic because stainless steel is inherently safe and toxin-free.

All our caps are BPA-free polypropylene (pp#5), and we offer stainless steel cap options like our Stainless Steel Loop Cap for those that prefer a plastic-free product.

Do Klean Kanteens have a liner?

No. All Klean Kanteen products are made from high quality, 18/8, food-grade stainless steel. Stainless steel is naturally free of BPA and other harmful substances.

Stainless steel is inherently safe for food and beverage contact; plastic or epoxy linings are not necessary. This is one of the main differences between a stainless steel Klean Kanteen and aluminum bottles. All aluminum bottles must have a liner to maintain the integrity of the contents inside the bottle; otherwise, the aluminum leaches into the contents, which is unsafe.

Why do Klean Kanteen caps have plastic at all?

We're proud to offer a range of premium, all stainless cap options for our Classic line including the Stainless Unibody Bamboo Cap and our Stainless Loop Cap.

Our goal is to make reusable products at prices that are solutions at an accessible price point, so we offer caps made from safe, BPA-free polypropylene (pp#5) that are completely recyclable at end of life. These caps are lightweight and meet our high standards for quality, durability and design. The Wide Loop and Flip D-Ring caps are PP #5 on the outside, but an all-stainless interior, so drink contents never touch plastic.

Are the polypropylene (pp#5) caps safe?

Klean Kanteen uses polypropylene (PP#5) because it contains no Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that leaches from some kinds of plastic and has been linked to various diseases including cancer. Polypropylene has no known leaching characteristics and is softer than other types of plastic. BPA exhibits hormone-like properties that raise concern about its suitability in some consumer products and food containers. Since 2008, several governments have investigated its safety, which prompted some retailers to withdraw polycarbonate products. The FDA has ended its authorization of the use of BPA in baby bottles and infant formula packaging, based on market abandonment, not safety.[4] The European Union and Canada have banned BPA use in baby bottles.*Source:

What is stainless steel and what does 18/8 stand for?

Stainless steel is an iron-containing alloy made from some of the basic elements found on earth: iron ore, chromium, silicon, nickel, carbon, nitrogen and manganese. The properties of the final metal change depending on varying amounts of these elements. There are over 150 grades of stainless steel, of which 15 are most commonly used.

Klean Kanteen products are constructed from high-quality, 18/8, food-grade stainless steel. The numbers stand for the percentages of chromium and nickel in the steel, 18% and 8% respectively. Chromium increases the metal's hardness and nickel gives it strength. Together they also make stainless steel highly resistant to stain or rust. 

Stainless steel is easy to clean, durable, inert and sanitary. That's why it's the material of choice among the food, beer and wine industries. 

What is nickel and how can it affect my health?

Nickel is a naturally abundant element found in the earth's crust, soil and ocean floor. It is generally resistant to corrosion and is therefore used to make metal alloys such as stainless steel. Approximately 10-15% of the population is sensitive to nickel, but the health effects of nickel are highly dependent on the manner and degree of exposure. The stainless steel used to make Klean Kanteens has a low nickel content and is the preferred material used by the food, beer and wine industries.

Do Klean Kanteens have hexavalent chromium, and could I be exposed to it by drinking from a Klean Kanteen?

Access to safe, clean drinking water is one of the most important issues to Klean. We believe that water should be free and accessible to all – period. Because of that, we are actively working on with our non-profit partners like the Environmental Working Group on education, awareness and advocacy around this important issue.

Klean Kanteen products are made from 18/8 stainless steel, and stainless steel does not contain hexavalent chromium. Hexavalent chromium has been found in tap water in some municipalities. We recommend that you check with your local water provider and get a copy of their most recent water quality reports. They're public record and should be made available to you upon request. Another wonderful resource is the Environmental Working Group (EWG) – they have published a Tap Water database here which ranks top and worst municipalities. The study was conducted in 2009 and will be updated soon.

Does the paint on a Klean Kanteen contain lead?

No way. All Klean Kanteen painted products are nontoxic, safe and durable. We review and test paints annually and exclusively use an acrylic paint that contains no toxins or lead. We test the paint regularly. Klean quality standards can be provided upon request.

My child chewed on a Klean Kanteen and might have eaten some paint. Should I be concerned?

The paint on Klean Kanteen bottles is a nontoxic acrylic that is free of BPA, lead and toxic chemicals. We recommend the Brushed Stainless finish for small children who like to chew on things.

How much does a Kanteen weigh?

It depends on the product. We've tested various wall thicknesses and struck a confident balance between durability and weight. The stainless steel walls in our bottles are significantly thicker than other bottles on the market. They don't dent or bend easily, and Klean products are still lightweight and easy to carry. Please check out our product pages for weights and dimensions and more detailed information.

Can I fill a Klean Kanteen with acidic beverages such as apple juice or orange juice?

Yes. Acidic beverages will not corrode or damage the high-quality stainless steel.

Can I use a Klean Kanteen for milk, breast milk or formula?

Absolutely. Your Klean Kanteen is food-grade stainless steel, which is safe and will not retain or impart flavors. Klean also offers a stainless steel Baby Bottle designed for relaxed feedings, please visit our Kid Kanteen® collection here

Can I use a Klean Kanteen for carrying alcohol?

Yes. Our 27oz/800ml Classic is capable of holding a bottle of wine. Many of our friends and family use the 12oz Classic to carry spirits and the 64oz Wide as a Growler to transport a half gallon of beer. Speaking of beer, the 16oz Steel Pint Cup was designed to displace single-use beer and wine cups. All our products are made of 18/8 food-grade stainless steel.

Do Klean Kanteens sweat?

Our Insulated bottles are made using durable, double-wall construction and vacuum insulation, which is both long-lasting and sustainable. Because they're insulated, these bottles will NOT show condensation build-up on the exterior of the bottle, regardless of what's inside them or the temperature outside.

Klean Classic and Wide lines are single (rather than double) wall. If the contents of the drink are colder than the temperature outside, condensation will build-up on the exterior of the bottle. The best solution to naturally occurring condensation on Classic and Wide bottles is to put your Klean Kanteen in an insulated sleeve.

Can I put hot liquids in my Klean Kanteen or use it like a thermos?

If you have a vacuum insulated Kanteen, absolutely! Our high-performance, double-wall, vacuum insulated bottles are designed to function as a thermos, a to-go mug and food storage container and, will keep contents hot up to 30 hours, or iced up to 120, depending on the bottle size. With that said, we prefer and recommend short term usage, i.e. no more than 24 hours whenever possible to preserve the integrity of the liquid or food stored. 

We do not recommend using single wall Klean Kanteen Classic or Wide Single Wall bottles for hot beverages because the exterior of the bottle conducts heat and could be hot to the touch. Warm beverages can be used at your own personal comfort level. They're fine for cold beverages, but unlike an Insulated Kanteen, condensation will form on the outside.

When does Klean not recommend hot beverages in their Kanteens?

  • With the use of the Steel Loop Cap and Bamboo Cap. The steel cap can conduct the heat from the hot liquids and can be hot to the touch.
  • With the use of the Sport Cap, Kid Sippy Cap and Straw. The above drink through accessories may not be safe to use with hot liquids.
  • With the use of the Insulated Kid Kanteen. Kids may not be able to gauge the temperature of the liquid inside the bottle.
  • With the use of any single-wall (non-insulated) product. These products may be hot to touch if used for hot liquids. This scenario is not recommended for kids or adults.

Can I put my Klean Kanteen on a stove?

In a pinch, single-wall Classic and single-wall Wide bottles (with the Brushed Stainless finish) can be placed on a fire or a stove as long as you take the cap off. Do not do this with a painted bottle, it will damage the paint.

Heating an Insulated Kanteen is not advised, will damage the bottle and voids the warranty. To identify what kind of Kanteen you have, look at the bottom of the bottle. All Klean Insulated Kanteens have a separate, extra shiny "bottom cap" piece on the bottom and also have the word "insulated" below the logo.

How do I clean my Klean Kanteen and my caps?

Classic and Wide bottles (in Brushed Stainless finish) are dishwasher safe. We recommend handwashing all painted Kanteens and all Insulated styles.

For daily cleaning, rinse your Kanteen with warm, soapy water and let it drain and dry in your dish rack with the mouth downward so water can drain out.

For thorough cleaning, you can use warm, soapy water and a bottle brush. We also recommend an old-fashioned cleaning solution: diluted vinegar or water and baking soda.

Classic Loop Caps and Wide caps are dishwasher safe. The Café Cap 2.0 is also dishwasher safe and the group of rotating pieces pop out for thorough cleaning.

The Stainless Unibody Bamboo Cap is not dishwasher safe. Visit our Care & Use page for more information.

I can't get the smell/taste of coffee (or something else) out of my Kanteen. Help!

Your Klean Kanteen is made from 18/8 food grade stainless steel that will not retain flavors or odors. If you've already given it a good scrub with a bottle brush and warm soap water, try mixing a quarter cup of vinegar and 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda in warm water and let it soak in your Kanteen overnight.

Sometimes the gasket needs cleaning. The gasket is located inside the cap. If it's a Café Cap 2.0, follow the easy instructions here to clean the cap. . You can also soak any cap overnight (except the Stainless Unibody Bamboo Cap) in the same mixture of vinegar and baking soda you use for soaking the bottle. Follow our easy instructions on how to clean a Klean Kanteen here

My Kanteen has tea stains inside that I can't get out.

No problem. Stainless steel is easy to clean. Start by making a paste using a little bit of vinegar and baking soda and give it a good scrub. The baking soda is an all-natural abrasive that will help get the stains out. You can also soak it overnight in a mixture of about a quarter cup of vinegar and 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda. Visit our Care & Use page for more information

Where can I buy Klean Kanteens?

Klean Kanteen products are available online at or available for purchase at a variety of retailers near you. Use our Store Locator to find retailers near you that sell Klean Kanteen products. Bear in mind that not every dealer sells every Klean Kanteen style or SKU. If you're looking for something specific, it's always a good idea to call first and make sure your local store carries the product you want.

Are your caps interchangeable?

The mission behind all of our accessories is simple: to help Klean products perform at their best and have long, versatile lives. Our interchangeable lids easily transition from morning coffee to afternoon smoothies, water or beer on draught. Versatility in design means that you can buy fewer bottles, which is better for your wallet and the planet.

  • All Classic bottles come with a BPA-free PP#5 loop cap and are compatible with Stainless Steel loop caps, Sport Cap 2.0, and SwingLok®, recommended for brushed stainless bottles (only).
  • Insulated Classic bottles come with an Insulated Loop Cap and are compatible with our SwingLok cap, recommended for brushed stainless bottles (only)
  • Wide Insulated bottles come with a new Leakproof Café Cap 2.0, with a Wide Loop cap available as an additional accessory
  • Kids products are easily transition from a Sippy configuration to Sport Cap and Loop for a Leakproof solution
  • Growlers come with SwingLok caps, and can transition to non-carbonated beverage transport with an Insulated Loop Cap and are compatible with our SwingLok cap, recommended for brushed stainless bottles (only)
  • Our Pint Lid fits all Insulated Tumblers and Pints

How do I find out about special deals, discounts and promotions?

If you want to be the first to find out about specials and discounts, join our e-newsletter at, or follow us on social media on Facebook/KleanKanteen or Instagram @KleanKanteen.

My Sport Cap broke. Will you replace it?

Absolutely. All Klean Kanteens, caps and lids carry our Strong As Steel™ guarantee. Please return the product to us, along with your return address and we'll replace them free of charge. If you have questions or comments, email them to

My Café Cap leaks. Will you replace it?

The new Klean Café Cap 2.0is guaranteed to be leakproof! Our previous 1.0 version is not. Other Klean leakproof cap options are our Loop Cap and Wide Loop Cap. For more information on our warranty program and exchanges, please check out

My cap appears to be leaking, is my o-ring or gasket missing or going bad?

Over time, the silicone gaskets and o-rings on our caps may fail or become loose, causing the seal around your cap to fail or leak. Our Maintenance Kits include o-rings, gaskets and gaskets tools—a no-fuss fix that extends the life of your bottle so it's running as long as you are. See Maintenance Kits here:

How do I fix a leaky Sippy?

The silicone valves in Kid Kanteen Sippy caps can loosen with time, which allows liquid to escape. To fix this, pull the valve out, clean it with warm, soapy water, then pop it back in to the mounting position. You might also need to replace the silicone ring on the outside of your cap. Check out our Classic Cap Maintenance Kit, available online at If you still have issues or questions, please feel free to send us an email: